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How can I place an order?To place an order, please visit our "ORDER NOW" page and fill the form. We will get back to you with prices and working procedures.
Whats the minimum order quantity I can buy?Our Min order quantity is 1*40' for chicken, pork and beef. Min order quantity for sugar is 5*20 container
Are your products approved to enter my destination?Our products are approved for every destination. Our partnership with many plants ensure that we meet all import regulations of most destination
Can I import chicken feet, paw, pork and beef to China?"Yes ofcourse, most of our plants are approved for China
How long do you take to ship after I place my order?Depending on the quantity demanded, we can process and ship in a min of 5 working days.
What are your working terms and conditions?Please contact us for more information on our flexible working terms and conditions.
My destination is landlocked, how then can you ship my products."We use the most reliable shipping companies to ship to every destination using multimodal shipment. Product is first shipped the closest seaport and then by truck to your destination
Can I visit your factories?Yes ofcourse, however visitation is only allowed after order and has been place and during production of your on-going order.
I still have other questionsPlease contact us if you still have unanswered questions
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